Beyond the 3-ring Binder

You know the drill.  You decide internally that you need external help to figure out your internal issues that are hindering your external persona.  So you hire a consultant and agree to 100% transparency and authenticity both internally and externally.

You engage the consultant and go through the motions.  You answer the consultant's questions  and hope not to get fired by being too transparent.

A few weeks later the consultant shows up with a 3-ring binder with all of the lessons learned and hidden insights that have been fully revealed through the process.  Everyone is both excited and nervous.  Excited because they are being distracted from their work with a little glimpse of a better future.  Nervous because we all have something to hide that may have been squeezed out in the interviews.

Thank God, everyone is inspired.  

And you have a new brand bible that has all the answers to all of your problems...for eternity.  Life couldn't be better.

Then your boss finds a space on the bookshelf for the binder and proceeds to thank and tell everyone that the branding process has come to a close and that everyone should take these new ideas back to their desks with them...right now.

This begs the question.  Do you need another 3-ring binder?  Do you want one?  

Didn't think so.  Branding needs to be considered a holistic, living endeavor that is embodied and believed in both internally and externally.

Are you telling yourselves the same story that your are telling your customers?" 

It is a revelatory question and one that needs to be answered with a resounding, "YES!" if you plan to be in business for a while.

LIMEN won't give you a three-ring binder with advice that will be collecting dust within seconds.  

We will give your brand new life and stick around to live it with you.


What does "Limen" mean?