Learning and Development

We customize developmental engagements from lunch-and-learns to multi-day or multi-month time frames.  The following are examples of topics that can be incorporated into learning and development engagements.

Regeneration - Regeneration is the foundational practice behind the The Limen Method™.   It involves the work of learning and operating from essence and potential.  The aim is to expand consciousness and develop a mindset capable of making sound, holistic decisions in challenging work environments.  Regeneration is a practice of living systems thinking that deepens the organizational experience and unifies the brand culture.  Core principles of regeneration are learned, which lay the foundation for the ongoing work of practicing regeneration.

Living Systems Paradigm - A living systems paradigm is a worldview that honors the world of living things, its natural patterns, and cycles.  It is the foundational principle for practicing regeneration and understanding life in general.  The practice helps people move away from mechanistic thinking toward seeing the world and our environments as alive, nested and evolving.  This paradigm is unique in that it patterns how the world does work, not how it ought to work. 

Non-Dual Thinking - The ability to achieve non-dual thinking requires intention, practice and humility.  The complex problems we face in business and in the world can only be addressed critically and creatively when we are able to move to a different level of consciousness beyond duality.  The dual mind perceives things as right or wrong, black or white, good or bad.  The Non-dual mind is able to think in a third way, one that has capacity and depth.  Non-dual thinking develops human capacity to address increasingly complex business environments and enables a more authentic and harmonious expression of the brand culture to be realized.

First Principles - First Principles is an ancient way of thinking that was taught by Aristotle and is used today by Elon Musk, the entrepreneur who founded Paypal, SpaceX, and Tesla Motors.  Reasoning by First Principles is one of the best ways to develop mental models that are rare and useful.  The methodology works by identifying the fundamental facts of a situation and helps people develop unique perspectives instead of reasoning by analogy, or a way that something is or has already been done.  As Elon has demonstrated, First Principles thinking produces revolutionary results.  When applied to human development, First Principles thinking enables brands to leap frog problem solving thinking to imagine new solutions regardless of current obstacles.      

Universe Story - The universe story is the meta narrative that informs our existence and understanding, one that as a whole is an unfolding dynamic and developmental process.  When we can begin to see ourselves as part of that dramatic story, then we have a part to play; we become co-creators.  The understanding of evolution is only about 150 years old in human consciousness since Darwin’s Origin of Species, so developmental time is something human consciousness is just beginning to grasp. However, when recognized, people experience wonder and awe, which leads to humility, and ultimately taps into a universal energy and consciousness required for responsible, transformative work.

Mythology - Oral traditions have evolved over time and the strongest, most important stories are the ones that have stuck in the collective consciousness of cultures and humanity.   Those stories have given humans a sense of place, belonging and purpose, and they continue to exist in our DNA.  However, the industrial revolution fragmented those storylines and created a gap in understanding.  With marketers taking advantage and filling the gap with their own messages, we need to not only understand how modern day mythology is permeating our culture, but also how we can tap the collective unconscious of our target markets and tell new stories that grow organizations from a place of responsibility, public service, and shared commons.    

Hero's Journey - The Hero's Journey, made famous by Joseph Campbell, is the concept of a universal monomyth, or one myth where a common pattern exists within the storylines of nearly all great myths, regardless of their time of creation or their origins.  The Hero's Journey is important because it continues to be used the world over in modern storytelling and advertising and has powerful implications when people and organizations have the ability to see themselves on a similar journey.  We unpack these archetypal stages of pilgrimage and address the underpinnings in analytical psychology, archetypes, and the collective unconscious.

Place-Making in the Workplace - Every workplace has a soul, and a unique health and vitality.  When organisation’s embody and practice the principles of place-making, they begin to invite creative participation and a storyline of what they can become emerges and informs the culture.  There is a unique correlation between one's discovery and knowing of a place and one's potential to thrive within that place.  This is of particular importance in the workplace and is relevant in both physical and virtual work environments.  The development of place-making is an emerging topic within a broad range of industries and is shaping our lived experiences within our built and natural environments.  In this program we apply developmental place-making principles with the goal of enabling a universal visionary capacity within the workplace that celebrates and thrives in diversity, increases employee engagement, and develops meaning-making within a purposeful, flourishing organization.

Circles of Nature -  The circle is the universal archetype for wholeness and is ubiquitous in nature.  The circular patterns in nature represent life cycles and circuitous movement.  We use the circle as a motif for human and organizational development.  It informed the Limen concept of the Regenerative Brand Compass™.  Natural seasonal life cycles are also an integral part of the known world and have invaluable lessons for the business world.  The circles of nature give us tangible examples from which to deepen our understanding of human nature and our nested environments.  

Wholeness -  Every organizations is run by separate people with separate expertise.  However healthy organizations operate from a place of wholeness, not separateness.  The premise with this concept is that we contain all potentials -- potentials for any action, thought, emotion, or feeling.  These potentials are the archetypes of wholeness, and a brand cannot truly be understood without reference to them.  Fostering a brand culture of wholeness honors the innate connectivity between individuals and their potentials and cultivates an environment of empowerment and psychological trust, both of which are essential in operating and organizing as a regenerative business.